Education Scotland hosted a highly successful ‘A Games Legacy for Scotland’ event at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow on Tuesday 31st January 2012. More than 200 teachers from across Scotland came together in Glasgow to hear more about the Scottish government’s ‘Games Legacy for Scotland’ agency and to find out how they can play their part in inspiring young people through Games Legacy. Teachers were given the opportunity to speak to exhibitors from organisations promoting Games Legacy and were able attend two of the seven workshops which were on offer.
Inspire-Aspire was asked to deliver a workshop at the event and invited Glasgow Gaelic School to co-present the session. Gemma Clark, the programme co-ordinator worked with Jessie Little, RME teacher at Glasgow Gaelic School, to tell the Inspire-Aspire story and pupils, Catriona Campbell and Iona Whyte were able to share their first hand experiences of the programme. Jessie explained how she has used Inspire-Aspire in teaching the ‘Values for Heroes’ project and demonstrated how and where the programme fits into the Curriculum for Excellence. For more details please visit: The session was well received and teachers in attendance were keen to become involved.