Friday 16 August 2013

Minister and Medallist Launch Inspire Aspire Commonwealth School Project

On Monday 19th August, pupils at Grove Academy in Dundee will be involved in a launch event with a difference!  Not only will they be joining Shona Robison (Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport) and local hero Liz McColgan to launch Character Scotland’s exciting new ‘Inspire>Aspire: Global Citizens in the Making’ programme – they will also be launching their own inspiration and aspirations in the form of 220 helium balloons which will take to the skies above Broughty Ferry.

Character Scotland the charity behind the programme,  aims to support the development of children and young people’s character and values. The charity’s vision is for all children and young people to develop as responsible, caring, ethical and engaged global citizens: people who aim to HELP OTHERS, GET INVOLVED, DO THE RIGHT THING and DO THEIR BEST.

In the next exciting phase of the programme, the Inspire>Aspire Awards will provide an opportunity for children and young people to be inspired by the Glasgow 2014 Games and the values of the Commonwealth. They will participate in a process of self-discovery and personal development by completing a unique, tried-and-tested poster template

Posters will be completed by children and young people all over the Commonwealth so that children and young people in Scotland can ‘connect’ with their global peers and learn about them through an exploration of their character and values.
This will be part of the Game On Scotland educational programmes.